Kerrington also saw her new Genetics doctor in Cincinnati this past Tuesday. He was great and I learned they have a VCFS (Di-George Syndrome) clinic there. They want Kerrington to have another hearing test and have a speech\language eval. They also got on me about her diet. I mean the child won't eat hardly anything so if all she likes is carbs then more power to her...what girl doesn’t like carbs, right? Being the specialist of VCFS and Apraxia, they then told me that she wasnt in the best setting for her Apraxia (setting being public schools).
I am so torn about this whole public school issue. Apraxia is more than a speech delay, it is a neurological motor planning issue. She needs extensive speech therapy for any future of being able to communicate. I feel like if the Lord wanted her to go elsewhere that door would have been open during her IEP meeting with the school system. Mom tells me that if she starts in the public schools they would be more accepting of her special needs. But at the same time we want to give her the best so she will have a better future. OK moving on.....
I am getting gearing up for Heart Awareness week which is February 7-14th. Kerrington's Heart will be doing our Awareness Hearts Campaign during the month of February at participating businesses and a bake sale on February 14th. We are also working on our Awareness Video....I am so excited to see how it turns out. I will post once complete!!
February = Heart Awareness events, Cardiology, Kerrington 3 yr. check up, Endocrinology, Cheerleading competition, therapy's, Orthodontist, and far!! :)