Saturday, January 28, 2012

Well it's been a little bit since I have posted. You can tell that I am new to this blogging thing....I mean am I even doing this right? HA HA Welp we have been busy and February is looking to be even busier. Kerrington started school this past Monday. She did have fun!! I had no concerns that she wouldn’t have a great time, our main concern was the fact that she cannot communicate with anyone except her speech therapist.

Kerrington also saw her new Genetics doctor in Cincinnati this past Tuesday. He was great and I learned they have a VCFS (Di-George Syndrome) clinic there. They want Kerrington to have another hearing test and have a speech\language eval. They also got on me about her diet. I mean the child won't eat hardly anything so if all she likes is carbs then more power to her...what girl doesn’t like carbs, right? Being the specialist of VCFS and Apraxia, they then told me that she wasnt in the best setting for her Apraxia (setting being public schools).

I am so torn about this whole public school issue. Apraxia is more than a speech delay, it is a neurological motor planning issue. She needs extensive speech therapy for any future of being able to communicate. I feel like if the Lord wanted her to go elsewhere that door would have been open during her IEP meeting with the school system. Mom tells me that if she starts in the public schools they would be more accepting of her special needs. But at the same time we want to give her the best so she will have a better future. OK moving on.....

I am getting gearing up for Heart Awareness week which is February 7-14th. Kerrington's Heart will be doing our Awareness Hearts Campaign during the month of February at participating businesses and a bake sale on February 14th. We are also working on our Awareness Video....I am so excited to see how it turns out. I will post once complete!!

February = Heart Awareness events, Cardiology, Kerrington 3 yr. check up, Endocrinology, Cheerleading competition, therapy's, Orthodontist, and far!! :) Bookmark and Share

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday January 21st 2012

So the girls did not bring home a trophy this year but they did a great job.  There were a lot of great teams there this year.  Ally and I went shopping afterwards then to Subway and finished off the night at Orange Leaf.  Really enjoyed spending quality time with Ally because it doesn't happen very often.  I had every intention of posting the video of their performance but I was yelling and shaking the video so bad that you can barely watch it without vomiting....oh well maybe next time!!  Anyway here are those pics from Kerrington's Heart Cath that I said I was going to post like 2 weeks ago. :)
Before Heart Cath

In recovery

Still sleeping 5 hours later!!

Heart Cath results
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State Cheerleading Competition Bound

Up early...getting ready to go to the State Cheerleading competition today. Praying all the Garrard Middle School girls do well and take home a trophy this year!! Watched the movie Courageous last night....a MUST see!! Here are just a few pics of Kerrington eating a cupcake on her birthday. Her party is actually on Sunday so more pics to come.
This sure is alot of icing

This is WAY to messy!

This is MY cupcake!!

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Kerrington!!

3 years ago today we were blessed with a beautiful little girl who has taught us the meaning of courageous. The Lord has shown us what true strength, hope, faith, and grace is through Kerrington's 3 years on this earth. Kerrington has no idea how many lives she has touched but we are so thankful that the Lord chose us to take part in her journey as her parents. Sooooo blessed!! Happy Birthday to our sweet Kerrington. Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Heart Cath Update

The cardiologist said its a grey area as to whether or not they need to schedule her next heart surgery.  He will meet with Cardiology team on Monday and include Dr. Bricker her old Cardiologist.  They will decide what next step will be.

Results were Mild Stenosis of conduit valve with minimal regurgitation
and mild to modern rate stenosis of proximal branch pulmonary arteries.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers today. It makes a tough situation so much easier. Bookmark and Share