Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Our day really got going with my first attempt to put K in her costume for her preschool party.  I realized that she didnt to much care for it when the tears started to fly and she starting trying to rip it off.  I thought maybe she just didnt like the costume which was some kind of Doodlebops looking outfit.  Uh no....when I asked her if she would rather be a kitty cat she clearly stated "NO" and said "take this off".  I just love to hear her words even if she was being a party pooper.  As for Miley she was a NICE witch and always loves any opportunity to rack up as much candy as she can.  So here is how our day went.....

The Preschool Party (note costume)
Trick or Treat

 So did you end up having fun tonight K?

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