Friday, May 10, 2013

Surgery Update - Friday 5/10/13

Kerrington was up all night just hanging out watching Little Bear over and over again. At some point in time during the night her oxygen dropped staying in the 80's and sometimes dropping in the 70's so they put her nasal cannula back on . Thankfully around 4:00 a.m they were able to take her back off oxygen. Once they stopped 1 dose of Lasix it seems that her heart rate went back down to what is somewhat normal for her.

Our goal was to get her up and that's what we did!! We started with a trip to get a ECHO followed by a walk around the floor. We washed her hair in this weird shower cap thingy and got new bedding. We walked to the playroom and played for awhile. She still didn't eat hardly anything but we are moving in the right direction. Stats stayed good all day.

We are planning to be discharged tomorrow....yep that's our plan so we shall see. She worked to hard today for them not to let us go home tomorrow.

Here are some pics I took over the last 2 days. The first is when I was trying to get her to play and she was not wanting to. ;). The last is from earlier today.

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